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Value Chain

Strong principles that make us strong.

Our corporate conduct is attached to the highest standards, which is based on our values , since we know that excellence is built every day. These values ​​guide what we do towards ourselves and towards others . Together, they make SIJARA a socially responsible, sustainable, transparent community and company that promotes development.

We have four pillars , which give us a consolidated base:


  1. Responsibility obliges us to comply with the norms, rules, laws and commitments that we have acquired, as well as to assume the consequences of our operations and deliver results.


Responsibility is a value directed towards society as a whole , which requires companies that are responsible for their actions and respect the agreements that sustain life in common.


“Responsibility” is a term that has to do with “responding”. Someone responsible is one who answers for what he does or does not do , who responds to questions, demands and questions. A responsible company is transparent, open, honest, and acts with society, not behind its back. In this sense, SIJARA is responsible and its responses are clear , truthful and well-founded.


A responsible company obeys the rules and responds to society about its operations and activities.


  1. Environmental sustainability focuses us on the preservation, recovery and improvement of the environments and habitats in which our activities generate an impact.


Sustainability is a principle that integrates us with the habitat that surrounds us and makes us aware of the impact of our activities on all forms of life. SIJARA’s activities leave a mark of sustainability , as we pay for the conservation, recovery and improvement of the environment.


“Sustainability” derives from “sustenance”, which, in turn, means “food that is below and serves as support”. It is like the root, what nourishes us in an underlying way. A sustainable company does not ignore that all human life feeds on environmental conditions, the land, the water, the air . Our activities are sustainable because they do not alter the cycles of nature and do not damage the sources that sustain life on the planet.

Sustainability consists of respecting the limit of resources, so that they can be renewed and not exhausted. 

A sustainable company collaborates in the recovery and improvement of the habitat.

  1. Honesty enables us as coherent social actors , who respect themselves and others, within a framework of solid and healthy bonds of trust and reciprocity.


Honesty is a value towards our collaborators, partners, investors and consumers , who deserve that we strictly comply with our agreements.


“Honesty” is related to “honor”, ​​which, in turn, has to do with righteousness. An honest company is one that respects itself, fosters the honor of its collaborators and upholds rectitude , that is, the virtue of doing what is right and practicing justice. An honorable, honest and upright community is what we are and what we aspire to be in the future.


At SIJARA we have a commitment to the transformation of our Mexican society . We are part of the vast majority who oppose corruption, who are outraged by illegality and enthusiastic about the possibility of a better Mexico.

Honesty is the basis of relationships between people and groups. Only in a framework of mutual trust can lasting agreements and relationships be forged.

  1. Transparency allows us to give an account of what we do, to generate trust in our partners , our collaborators, our clients, the authorities and the social group.

Transparency is a practice that earns us the full trust of our stakeholders . To endorse that trust, we provide extensive, pertinent and timely information about our activities and operations as required by law.