“There is no problem that we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve on our own” – Lyndon Johnson.
At SIJARA we take care daily that our collaborators have everything they need to carry out their work, as well as their general well-being so that enjoying their work is a tangible reality for them and available to everyone, cultivating, promoting and improving practices and values that make up the building blocks of a healthy and pleasant work environment.
We know that our people make us who we are and it is what moves us, it drives us to constantly improve our joint capacities and our production and internal processes, which is why we offer the most varied and extensive opportunities for the development of skills. and talents of our workers and collaborators within the framework of an atmosphere of camaraderie, solidarity and enthusiasm.
We are dedicated to promoting the values that have been our foundation since day one of our history, as reflected in the daily activity of all those who make up the SIJARA community. This philosophy underscores all the efforts we make, representing our joint commitment to meet and exceed the expectations of the company’s main stakeholders, namely, informed adult consumers of tobacco products, employees, business partners and the community at large. . Our hallways are brimming with inspiring stories that help build our sense of SIJARA pride.
Our staff always strive to create the most positive value for stakeholders through hard work to achieve the best performance. To achieve this goal, we are all expected to act responsibly to fully comply with laws, regulations, regulations, policies, contracts, duties and commitments, etc. acquired individually and collectively; as well as honesty and integrity for the creation of robust bonds of trust, closeness, reciprocity and demonstration of respect towards others and towards ourselves.
This compliance is a hallmark of SIJARA’s corporate culture and is applied in all areas and levels in our organization, as well as outside our facilities.
Our collaborators enjoy an environment and work climate that motivates them to stay with us, seeking to grow and make the SIJARA community grow in order to generate prosperity for themselves, their families and their colleagues.
Our efforts and internal strategies are aimed at creating a collective identity that shares and is based on the same vision of SIJARA as an organic whole, in which each area and each individual play a fundamental, interconnected and interdependent role for the functioning of the company and the achievement of its general and specific objectives, thus each collaborator becomes self-aware both of their relevance in the SIJARA community, as well as the impact that their actions have on each of the areas and their colleagues, as well as the company represented that all.
We put all our effort into always doing things in the best way because we are aware that our work and daily actions have a significant impact on the global.